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Guest Writer, Mindfulness, Survive at Work

Not-So-Social Media

Today’s Guest Poster

Today we’re fortunate enough to have guest blogger Mark joining us!
Mark takes us on a journey into the realms of social media and its increasingly pervasive influence over our work lives and on our careers.

Not-so-social media

Social media faux pas have hit the headlines recently, and the stories act to remind us that as employees we are brand/company ambassadors for those that employ us.  Of equal importance is the notion that once you click to post that comment, photo or video, we lose control of what we are sharing with others, regardless of our privacy settings.  Additionally, we lose the context – and in so many instances, the context can be everything.  Whilst these examples relate to political issues, the people involved are still effectively employees. read more

Survive at Work, your one stop resource for work skills, work resources, work tools and work motivation. Hate work? Want promotion? Survive at work will help you thrive at work. CV, Curriculum Vitae, Resume

Easy Peasy, Sparkling CV

Sunday night greetings everyone!  I’m currently in the middle of writing a module on CVs (for a project I’m working on with The Excellent You) and it dawned on me that I had stumbled upon some stuff that might be of value for you guys.

All too often, CVs are the sort of thing we bury at the bottom of our crap drawer, underneath the Haynes manual for a Fiesta we sold back in 1993.  We only pull it back out when we’re looking for a new job.  And even then – if you’re anything like me – it’s merely a quick dust down, spot of tippex over the coffee stain, into an envelope and out the door.  Job done! read more

Survive at Work, your one stop resource for work skills, work resources, work tools and work motivation. Hate work? Want promotion? Survive at work will help you thrive at work. Monday Motivation. 5 Awesome Must Have Apps to survive at work, work apps, business apps, best apps. Runners Repeaters Strangers RRS

Runners, Repeaters, Strangers

Can you believe it’s nearly Monday again?  What kind of work week did you guys have last week?

Last week, I was fortunate enough to spend some time in some lovely places and meet some wonderfully interesting & inspirational people (such as Anna Bastek).  Plus, a shetland pony wearing a tartan blanket randomly walked past my living room window on Friday afternoon.  All in all, quite awesome 🙂

But the great thing is that, even if it had been an absolute nightmare of the week, today’s the start of a brand new one.  New territory to be explored and a new canvass just waiting for us to make our impression!  I’m so excited that it’s a little scary, lol. read more

Survive at Work, your one stop resource for work skills, work resources, work tools and work motivation. Hate work? Want promotion? Survive at work will help you thrive at work. Monday Motivation. 5 Awesome Must Have Apps to survive at work, work apps, business apps, best apps.

5 Awesome “Must Have” Apps to Survive at Work

Good afternoon!  How’s your week going?  Are you having the time of your life… or hanging on for dear life, waiting for Friday to arrive?

I’ve just returned home from a morning where I got to sing “I’m a Believer” with the Welsh legend that is Nev and listen to the awesome motivation and inspiration that is Brad Burton.  All in all, a blinkin’ good Thursday 🙂

Earlier today, as everyone else reached for their notebook & pen, it dawned on me that I was one of the few grabbing my phone to take notes.   By the time I was driving home, I was mentally listing the wealth of offline items and functions that my iPhone has replaced… some very successfully (and some not so much). read more

Number one ranked in Bing, Celebration, Survive at Work, your one stop resource for work skills, work resources, work tools and work motivation. Hate work? Want promotion? Survive at work will help you thrive at work.

Now that is Seriously Epic!

You’ll be happy to hear this is only a short post!
Firstly, I wanted to share some news my friend Greg (remember Mr Greg of the Chicken & Eagle fame?) just texted me… Apparently, is the number 1 site listed by Bing for the keywords Survive at Work.
“Well big deal Liz.  I mean the site is called Survive at Work, so you know, it’s hardly a mahoosive achievement of gargantuan proportions“.
Actually it is.
For those of you familiar with the complexities of search rankings, you’ll appreciate just how damn hard it is to get ranked for a search.  So to appear on the first page is awesome.  To appear as the first listing on the first page is even more awesome.  And well, to appear first out of 25,500,000 results is just the most awesomest thing ever 🙂
Right now, I feel like I’ve managed to land Andromeda I on the moon. Andromeda I – for those of you who are not friends with me on Facebook – is the toilet-roll rocket ship that I built as an economically viable alternative for the recent space taxi contract. Needless to say, Boeing won the contract. But I digress… What I’m trying to say is that I’m very happy in a quite surprised sort of way.
By the way, here’s the proof (courtesy of Greg):
Number one ranked in Bing, Celebration, Survive at Work, your one stop resource for work skills, work resources, work tools and work motivation. Hate work? Want promotion? Survive at work will help you thrive at work. read more