You’ll be happy to hear this is only a short post!
Firstly, I wanted to share some news my friend Greg (remember Mr Greg of the Chicken & Eagle fame?) just texted me… Apparently, is the number 1 site listed by Bing for the keywords Survive at Work.
“Well big deal Liz. I mean the site is called Survive at Work, so you know, it’s hardly a mahoosive achievement of gargantuan proportions“.
Actually it is.
For those of you familiar with the complexities of search rankings, you’ll appreciate just how damn hard it is to get ranked for a search. So to appear on the first page is awesome. To appear as the first listing on the first page is even more awesome. And well, to appear first out of 25,500,000 results is just the most awesomest thing ever 🙂
Right now, I feel like I’ve managed to land Andromeda I on the moon. Andromeda I – for those of you who are not friends with me on Facebook – is the toilet-roll rocket ship that I built as an economically viable alternative for the recent space taxi contract. Needless to say, Boeing won the contract. But I digress… What I’m trying to say is that I’m very happy in a quite surprised sort of way.
By the way, here’s the proof (courtesy of Greg):
Now that is Seriously Epic!
Now that’s out of the way, on to the real reason I wanted to write this post.
I wanted to share this experience to encourage you to have self-belief and to persevere.
Okay, so I’ve hardly cured a plague or established democracy in North Korea. But I am starting to accomplish what I set out to achieve. Something which required me to take a gigantic leap of faith and trust myself (and my skills) enough to take a bold step into the unknown.
I could have decided that I was taking on too big a challenge. I could have let all those self-doubts take over and listen to the nagging thoughts that told me I wasn’t good enough or that people would laugh at me, rather than my fabulous humour! But I didn’t. I had self-belief and I took a bold step.
And now, to some extent, it’s paid off. After all, here we are… on a site ranked number one out of 25.5 million results in Bing.
Of course, the other side of the coin is that right now, I could be beating myself up about Google. After all, I’m still not on the first page over there. Actually, a quick search for Survive at Work as I was writing this, showed that I’m listed on page 9 of the Google results. Which still isn’t bad, considering that was out of over 163 million results. But it’s not number 1.
However, that’s where the perseverance comes in. Yes, I could go all glass half-empty… but my boldness and self-belief has got me thus far and I know it’ll eventually get me to #1 on Google too – it’s simply a case of holding my nerve.
So, that’s the end of my really short (but not as short as I thought) post.
If you believe in yourself and persevere, you can do anything you set your mind to. You will achieve that thing. So remember…
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