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Happy Monday #79

Hey there and a Happy Monday to you all!


I’m (attempting) to write this with a certain little Chihuahua sitting on my chest, obscuring the view of my laptop.  It appears that the cat has been teaching him bad habits.  No doubt, we’re a mere fortnight away from him climbing up the furniture and chasing mice…


Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful weekend and packed as much into your two days off as you could!


Happy Monday #79


Happy Monday!  Can you believe we’re nearly 80 weeks in.  Yikes!


This week I’ve got a superb TEDx video for you… about humour at work:



Back in the days when I worked for an employer, rather than myself, I relied pretty heavily on humour to keep me going.  To get me through the tough days, to smooth over the difficult relationships, to motivate my team.


And this video captures just how important humour can be in our daily working lives:


Most people think that humour and work are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

But in reality, you have to bring both of them together in order to try and take over the world.


The truth is that humour can help people become more efficient and effective in the workplace… so never feel guilty or unprofessional about having a laugh while you make your living (unless of course, you rely on props… turning up to the boardroom wearing big clown shoes and honking a horn probably isn’t that professional).


So this week, enjoy your work!  Have a laugh.  Make others laugh.  And smile your way through the week 🙂

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